TAG | Los Afrobulos Eletricos

Before the review of the night, we would like to congratulate the guests of session # 1 for their recent exploits: Annie Hall has been called to perform at Sonar, and Vaghe Stelle just played at Dissonanze. Good results for them and great satisfaction for us.


The second episode of JMM was held on June 23rd in the wonderful area called “Cortile della Farmacia” at the Museum of Natural Sciences of Turin.

For this occasion we were honored by the presence of two British artists which fit perfectly with the JMM sonic and personal attitude: Plant43 and Jo Johnson. New generation electronic artists, they gather inspiration from the classic world of Techno and Electro stretching those blueprint with newer sonic aesthetics and deep personal sensibility. They also co-founded the Bleep43 resource, whose events hosted artists like Surgeon, Dj Pete, Dj Stingray, Derrick May, Omar S, Convextion, Legowelt and many others.
Simplicity, attention to details and deep immersion into personal and uncompromising worlds were the keys to their live set.

To complete the line up, Branda J opened the night building a tight and personal path with hiphop instrumentals and electronic rhythms from the new generations; then Marco and me (passEnger+xluve) introduced the guests with our machine-driven live set.

Here you can find some videos and pics on the night plus the recording of the three live sets, freely downloadable.

/// Plant43

Download: Plant43 Live @ JMM (right click + save as)

Emile Facey, from London, has published record on cult labels such as Ai Records, Semantica and Cultivated Electronics (Myspace | Discogs).

His live set has been appreciated for its intensity and intransigence, thanks to a cohesive and articulate musical path, built around complex electronic architectures and deep visionariety.

/// Jo Johnson

Download: Jo Johnson Live @ JMM (right click + save as)

Jo Johnson (Myspace), from London as well, caught the listeners with a smooth but intense live set, built around lyrical melodies and emotional urgency, without losing the focus on groove effectiveness.

/// passEnger + xluve

Download: passEnger & xluve Live @ JMM (right click + save as)

An extract from our new live set, more hardware machines and improvisation than usual, same cross-genre pollination as usual.

The youtube channel where to find every JMM video is here: Just Music Makers | Youtube

Thanks to all the supporters, see you next session!

/// JMM

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!!! This article is available in italian only.

Just Music Makers finalmente ritorna.

Ci abbiamo messo un po’, ma speriamo l’attesa non sia stata vana.

Mercoledì 23 Giugno, al Cortile della Farmacia (presso il Museo di Scienze Naturali di via Giolitti 36, Torino) presentiamo due artisti inglesi alla loro prima esibizione italiana.


Emile Facey aka Plant43

/ Plant43

Emile Facey, in arte Plant43, è un artista dal suono unico e riconoscibile.

Legato alla tradizione Electro ma capace di proiezioni in universi sonori personali e futuristici, il suo live è una vera sintesi sonora ed emotiva di quello che sono state la scuola Warp e la Techno/Electro Detroitiana.

Co-fondatore della serata Bleep43 di base ai Corsica Studios di Londra (che ha ospitato, tra gli altri, Surgeon, Omar-S, DJ Stingray, I-F, Convextion), è stato catturato su disco da etichette di culto come Ai RecordsSemanticaCultivated Electronics, realizzando centellinate quanto apprezzate release. Sta preparando il suo nuovo LP che uscirà su Ai Records a breve.

“This is quality electronic music here, a pristine detailed take on melodic electro” - Warp Records



Jo Johnson

/ Jo Johnson

Jo Johnson, anche lei londinese, è portatrice di un suono lirico e profondo, sospeso tra ipnotismi melodici minimali e ampi respiri armonici, dal grande impatto estetico ed emotivo.

Appartenente al collettivo di Bleep43, si è esibita di recente al Bloc Weekend e ai Corsica Studios nella serata che ha visto Derrick May tra i suoi ospiti.

Al momento sta lavorando al suo primo LP, che uscirà su cassetta per Further Records.



A fare gli onori di casa ci penseremo io (passEnger) e xluve, dapprima con un aperitivo sonorizzato nelle vesti di Los Afrobulos Eletricos, quindi con un mini live studiato per l’occasione.

Ci affiancherà Branda J in dj set, con selezioni dai terreni di confine che uniscono nuova elettronica e indie digitale, old school rap e abstract hiphop.






19:00 /// Los Afrobulos Eletricos / Dj Set / Aperitivo

21:00 /// Branda J / Dj Set

22:00 /// Just Music Makers / Audio-video Live Sets

- passEnger + xluve / Live

- Jo Johnson / Live

- Plant43 / Live

01:00 /// Branda J + passEnger + xluve / Dj Set

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