Archive for February 2011

RAI Nuova Musica / The Future Sound Of Classical is an interesting appointment dedicated to the juxtaposition of contemporary classical and electronic music,
Started in 2010 by the National Symphonic Orchestra and Xplosiva Association, RAI Nuova Musica takes place in the wonderful RAI Auditorium in Torino, Italy.
Its programme usually includes a series of contemporary classical pieces performed by the RAI National Orchestra and a performance by an electronic music act. The latter usually performs a classic dj/live set and a live reworking of one of the pieces performed the same night. It’s a rare occasion in which the two worlds really can get in touch.

Me and Marco (passEnger + xluve) have been invited to perform at RAI Nuova Musica on Feb. 4th, 2011, and we delivered a special live set, in between broken rhythms, ambient/idm-ish sequences and weird machine-driven improvisations.

passEnger + xluve Live @ RAI Nuova Musica | Auditorium RAI, Torino, Italy (Feb. 4th, 2011)

In addition to the live set we were asked to rework a selected piece performed that same evening: ‘The Hague Hacking’ for two pianos and big ensemble, written by Dutch composer Louis Andriessen.

Performed by RAI National Orchestra, featuring Katia and Marielle Labècque at pianos and directed by Frank Ollu, The Hague Hacking is a beautiful, complex, 20′ piece that we reworked live using the audio from the rehearsal recorded the same morning.

Enjoy the results!

passEnger + xluve – Live Rework of ‘The Hague Hacking’ by Louis Andriessen

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